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  On Page Optimization
Content Optimization
Header Tags
Meta Title Tag
Meta Description Tag
Meta Keywords Tag
Anchor Tag & Alt Tag
Internal Linking
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Link Building Services
One Way Link Building
Two Way Link Building
Three Way Link Building

Internal Linking Structure

Internal linking structure plays a key role in On Page Optimization. Search engine spiders will crawl your web site from home page to remaining internal web pages. This process knows as spidering or crawl.

Search engines may make the assumption that pages not linked to, or buried within a web site’s internal link structure, are less important, just as they assume that pages that are not linked well from external sources are less important than those that are. Linking from the home page to content that you would like to rank can improve that page’s rankings.

Text Link Navigation:

Search Engine spider crawl from left to right or top to bottom in your website. Most websites contain navigation from the left hand side. This makes it one of the first things read by a search engine spider. Always use text links on navigation bar.


Use the anchor text in the footer and link to the all pages of your website and make easy to navigate from one page to all web pages. In footer add home page link, sub–categories links and sitemap (xml). You may also want to consider a limited description of the page on your sitemap.

Tips on Internal Linking Structure:

  • Allow search engines to effectively crawl your site each and every page in simple way and avoid java script or other any dynamic features which will affect the search engine crawl.
  • Make the linking structure very simple so search engine can navigate all pages in order.
  • You can create sitemap (Xml File). In this sitemap file all internal links are included and submitted to the web master. So, search engine spiders crawl your web site with help of sitemap.
  • We can create the sitemap file with automatic generator technique but in this we can generate only 500 links but in manually we can generate n number of links.
  • Page rank is based on internal linking structure and each and every page give important to the increases the page rank.
  • Non-relevant page are those which are not keyword rich and doesn’t contain any use full information to the users. These are like:
    • About Us Page.
    • Copy right page.
    • Link To Us page.
    • Contact Us page.
    • Testimonial Page.

Don’t give so much of important to these pages.

Link Building Implementation:

  • Give a Link to related pages to relative category to all web pages in your web site. If you have 200 Links split into multiple links.
  • Use rel=”No Follow” link to block your site from Google spiders to cached the pages and for page ranking

    <herf=”” rel=”NOFOLLOW”>

More Search Engine Optimization Services (SEO) Articles Links
On Page Optimization:
On page optimization consists on page techniques, useful tips, factors, services, modifying keywords in the content, title, description, header tags and internal linking structure, site map creation and anchor tag formation.
Content Optimization:
Website content optimization should be unique like it should be not copied from any other web sites.
Header Tags:
Header tags include SEO tips on how to write header tags, examples, H1 to H6 header tags elements, suggestions, guidelines, structures, importance of header tags in HTML, types and etc.

Meta Title Tag:
Title tags provide the online information on how to write seo friendly titles, tips, guidelines, character length limit in title tag, maximum characters, definition, optimization methods and etc.
Meta Description Tag:
Description tags consist the information on seo and google tips on writing meta description tags, length, limits, guidelines, suggestions, character limits, optimization methods, elements and etc.
Meta Keyword Tag:
Meta keywords tags include meta keyword limits, tips on how to write search engine friendly keywords, keyword research, analysis, guidelines, length, description, how to find best density keywords and discovery.
Anchor Tag & Alt Tag:
Anchor tags consist dynamic pages or URLS, static URL, useful SEO tips for writing anchor tags in html, attributes, anchor tag syntax, parameters, hyperlinks, guidelines, suggestions and properties.
Off Page Optimization:
Off Page optimization includes optimization tips, techniques, strategies, google and major search engines optimization guidelines, role of off page seo, websites promotion, submissions and etc.
One Way Link Building:
One way link building provides the online information on one way link building submissions, services, techniques, tips, guidelines, principles, directory links, free and paid listings, how to get one way links and etc.
Two Way Link Building:
Two way link building includes reciprocal link exchange, two way link building services, seo and Google tips, strategies, what is two way link building, advantages, definition of two way link building, link building criteria, implementation and more.
Three Way Link Building:
Three way link building includes Reciprocal Link Exchange methods, services, seo and Google tips, strategies, what is three way link building, advantages, definition, criteria, implementation and more.

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