Video Search Engine
Video search engines are one of the latest kinds of great search engine to appear on the World Wide Web. Since more and more people giving more preference to watch streaming video.
The entire major search engines such as Google and Yahoo now have video search options as well, and there are websites such as YouTube that specialize in only video searches and video sharing.
Important Tips on Video Search Engines:
Google has a good video search engine with servers that are generally very fast and a wide range of clips.
Google Video tracks all the videos that are available in world web wide and makes them all available in Google search. This makes Google Video arguably the best video search engine. However, there are other strong contenders.
Yahoo's video content tends to be based around media reports, music videos, etc. with less of an emphasis on the random videos that people upload to the internet with all kinds of content.
YouTube is a best of the video search engines,
and you can find related videos in a number of ways through user
created tags and suggestions alongside the currently playing clip.
YouTube is possibly the best video clip search engine, with their servers making it possible to upload your own content and millions of users doing just that.
You tube is also one of the best celeb video search engines, with its tags and suggestions making it easy to find lots of video clips for whatever celebrities you are most interested in.
While video technology on the internet is still somewhat limited; you can only get really
consistent download speeds in a small window and there are sometimes problems with blurriness and buffering (slow loading), the speed of the internet is becoming greater and greater all the time.
It should also be possible to buy various kinds of video content online and sell your own video creations on YouTube, opening up new doors for entrepreneurship. |