PPC Search Engines
A pay per click search engine is a search engine that lets you pay for a higher ranking when people search for terms related to your site. While most search engines are set up using web crawlers to give pages their initial page rank and modify page rank over time with different criteria such as the kind of traffic that specific sites get, a pay per click engine gives you a direct way to influence the appearance of your listing in the engine search results.
Types of PPC Search Engines:
- Google Adwords
- Yahoo - Overture.
Google Adwords:
PPC search engines, surprisingly, is Google! While Google technically doesn't allow you to pay for a higher ranking in their main results, their Ad Words program does let you pay for a high ranking on the text ads that appear along the top and sides of the page.
If you pay for a high Ad Words rankings,
that can get people coming to your site in droves, and help to feed
more traffic to your site, thereby increasing your general search rankings as well.
Yahoo - Overture:
Another of the most popular PPC search engines,
Overture. This PPC search engine, which has been bought within the past
few years by Yahoo, is the largest and longest running of the big PPC search engines.
By charging for ranking the search engine ensures that well established customers are able to provide answers for
most searches; however, such search engines may be criticized for
making it harder for web sites to be judged based on
quality alone, and most people choose to search using an search engine
like Google or Yahoo that doesn't give results based directly on pay.
Pay per click is a business model online that translates to all kinds of advertising, affiliate programs, etc.
PPC software and other resources for managing your page, try searching Google or Yahoo for search phrases such as 'PPC management', 'PPC freeware' or 'pay per click maintained'.
PPC search engines can make it easy to get your new web site off the ground, but be sure to check out the range of other cost free submission methods as well to get as many people as possible visiting your pages. |